Monday 11 February 2013

If life throws you a a Magic Bullet....


January is a month of resolutions. At the start of every new year, after all the gravy, sugar cookies and egg nog of December, we look deep within ourselves and solemnly promise ourselves: “I will go for a run three times a week” or “I will drink less wine” or “I will eat more vegetables” or maybe, very simply “I will be healthier.” I’m not sure how I feel about all this resolution business (life is for living! Why be so hard on yourself?), but I have noticed that healthy smoothie recipes are all over the internet this year. Food trend 2013?

Coincidentally, my boyfriend and I were given a Magic Bullet for Christmas. So, I decided to try the trend on for size. I have discovered two things: (1) smoothies are delicious (2) green smoothies are the most delicious. I make a green smoothie every night and take it to work for breakfast the next morning. I get a lot of strange looks and questions along the lines of “what the heck are you drinking?” but I’m too busy with my tasty smoothie to notice. Plus, I’m fulfilling a “be healthy” resolution that I never even made!

After about a month of experimenting, I have realized a few things: (1) I like using either baby spinach or green kale for the base of my green smoothie (2) Greek vanilla yogurt is the perfect counterpart for the hearty leafy greens (3) a citrus juice or acidic fruit cuts through the bitterness of the greens (4) a chopped banana is the perfect thickening agent.

My favourite recipe is below, but you really don’t need a recipe. Follow the guidelines above and you’ll come up with some delicious green smoothies. Try using different fruits – green apple, pear or mango are all delicious with the greens. I bet it would be fun to try blood orange, grapefruit or pomegranate, too. Instead of juice, try freezing coconut water in ice cube trays and use the coconut ice.

A big handful of baby spinach
A splash of good quality orange juice
A couple big spoonfuls of Greek vanilla yogurt
A drizzle of honey
1 banana, chopped

Whir all ingredients up in your blender until well combined, then enjoy! If you’re having trouble blending, add a tiny bit more juice or yogurt.

What are your favourite smoothie combinations?

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